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Junior / Young Rider Opportunities

CNYD&CTA understands that young riders are the future of our sport. It is our goal to encourage them to enjoy the sport, while also providing education and support for their equestrian endeavors. Our club offers support and scholarship opportunities for all of our Junior/Young Rider members.

CNYD&CTA Junior / Young Rider Scholarship Program

Due October 1

CNYD&CTA offers scholarships of up to $120 annually to Juniors and Young Riders who complete at least 20 hours of volunteer work. Scholarships may be used toward an educational event chosen by the applicant and approved by the CNYD&CTA Board. Educational events may include riding clinics, symposiums, or unmounted educational events.

CNYD&CTA Junior / Young Rider Rising Star Program

Program Currently Archived- Looking for a Volunteer!

National Youth Programs

CNYD&CTA round logo

Central New York Dressage & Combined Training Association

A 501 (c)(3) Non-profit Organization



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