Central New York Dressage & Combined Training Association
Promoting Dressage and Eventing as art and sport through competitions, clinics, and educational activities
CNYD&CTA events are made possible by the contributions of VOLUNTEERS
CNYD&CTA really appreciates our volunteers and all they do for our club. Without them, none of our events would be possible. We are always looking for people like you to help connect, enrich, and grow our community. It’s fun and easy. No experience is required! We even offer discounts to our Year-End Banquet based on the amount of time you have volunteered over the year. Volunteering is a great opportunity to educate yourself, feel more comfortable at a show, and build community among riders. Thank you in advance for supporting our club!
Volunteer Benefits
Free Volunteer T-Shirt
Discounts to the Year-End Banquet
Meet judges and other Dressage professionals and expand your knowledge
10 volunteer hours minimum to be eligible for Year-End Awards
No membership required to volunteer!
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer at a Show: There are many opportunities to get volunteer hours at our shows including positions as show manager, show secretary, scribe, scorer, ring steward, and more! More details...
​Volunteer at a Clinic: Help with set up, manage the clinic, or assist with hospitality
Volunteer at a Show & Tell: Offers many of the same opportunities as at a show, but on a smaller scale
​Help organize our Year-End Banquet: Reach out to sponsors for our Silent Auction fundraiser, Contact Silent Auction Coordinator Jess Trefz for information.
Organize a guest speaker for the Winter Educational Series
Arena & Jump Maintenance: Clean Dressage arena and jumps for storage between events
Helpful Links
Members are responsible for tracking and submitting their own volunteer hours.
Interested in Volunteering?
We have been inundated with requests to volunteer at our events. We love to see everyone lending a hand, but lately positions have been filling up and we have had to turn down willing volunteers.
In an attempt to rectify scheduling of volunteers, we have Volunteer Coordinator, Linda Matthews assisting us. Because we have requests for volunteering via email, phone, Instagram, and Facebook to multiple board members, email will serve as the main contact point for volunteer coordination. Please get your requests in early as things have been filling fast and volunteer hours will not be guaranteed. If you are waiting to see what your ride times are in order to decide if and when you can volunteer, chances are that volunteer positions will be filled.
We are happy to see so many people willing to volunteer this year as well as a growing membership! See you out there!
Thank you! -CNYD&CTA Board of Directors